Here is the Top 5 best Football Games of 2021. These games gives you a realistic experience of real football.
We're going to start with defense. So there's two formations with defense. The first is where you've got three at the back. So you can see you've got center back, left back, and also right back. As the name would suggest they're marking their own specific area. The next formation has four at the back. With this one, the addition is really around the sweeper, and the sweeper's role is really to cover everything. So they're covering the left-back,also covering the right back. So they need to be very good as far as their positional play, and really working with the other backs, here and making sure they're tidying up anything that might get through. Really important role to have in your team. The next positions are around midfield. So there's a few ways this midfield might be made up depending on what formation you're actually playing. So here, we've got three in the middle, so a centre midfield, left midfield and also a right. Another way of playing might be where you've got four in the middle, which could either be shown this way, so you've got the two center midfields side by side, or the other way is where the center midfields are stacked above each other. The way this works really is that this midfielder here is really to support defense, so is more of a holding role.
Whereas this one, is more about offensive or attacking. So this one is more defensive, and holding, and really sitting in front of the the defense line that's here. And this center midfield is pushing up in this direction to support the forwards. The other thing is that these midfielders really become more wing so their role is, they've got a lot of running to do, so they're dropping all the way back in in defense but they also move all the way up forward right up to the opposition goal there to support the forwards, so they're doing a lot of territory as far as down the right and also the left hand side. Then you've got your forwards, and again depending on what formation you're playing, you could be playing with two up the front. So that's your left center forward, and your right centre forward.
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